MC Touring klub Motorcycle Meeting for parents and their Children Week. 29 -2022
Børnetræf uge 29 18/7-24/7 - 2022
Welcome to some info about the ”Børne Træf” or ”The Danish Motorcycle Meeting for parents and their Children”.
Nearly as long as the name in English is the story behind this event, that this year would like to welcome foreign families with children.
The first meetings of this kind in Denmark was organised back in the late 80es, but in beginning of the 90es the event was formalised by a group of riders, who changed the venue to shift between the west part of Denmark and the east part.
So it's been more than 25 years now in a row, and this year the event will take place on a campsite in southeren part of Jutland.
The event is purely organised the entertain the children, but children seems to grow older, so there is also a small party tent for the teenagers (over 16 year), but still with full respect for the other guests on the camping.
Unfortunately the Danish government do not consider danish 16 year old young people fit to ride 125 cc motorcycle, but international riders in this agegroup is of course welcome on their own motorcycles together with their parents.
The event will take place on ”Hejlsminde Strand Camping” from 18. july to 24. july and the organiser is MCTCBT, with is is the Childrens Motorcyclemeeting Group from the national motorcycle club MCTC.
The program for the children are of many types, but for instance a common tour, a treasure hunt, competition between families, singing and also som music and dance.
The fee per day is for each adults (over 12 year): 90,- and children (0-11 år): 55,-. All amounts in Danish Kroner.
Camping is free in the days of the meeting.
Web: https://hejlsmindecamping.dk/
Mail: info@hejlsmindecamping.dk
Phone: +45 75 57 43 74
Hejlsminde Strand Camping
Gendarmvej 3
DK-6094 Hejls
There is normally no pre-inscription, but the oganiser would like to know how many from other countries are coming, so send the organiser an e-mail to: martindiness@gmail.com and use it also, if there is any other questions.
Øster Alle 112
4800 Nykøbing F
Falster Danmark
Tlf. +45 61 65 65 93
WEB: http://www.fc-camp.dk/
Mail: city.camping.dk@gmail.com